Tuesday, September 14, 2010


There’s a generation crying out for love. They’re desperate for intimacy, but they don’t know where to turn. They turn to drugs, relationships, drinking, sex. Though these things satisfy them for a short while, eventually they’re left feeling empty. They feel worthless and unwanted. They can’t handle the emptiness and the numbness. They want to feel, so they hurt themselves physically. They’re yearning for affection and compassion, but they don’t know where to go. Everything they’ve turned to has failed them. The alcohol they drank to make them feel alive has left them feeling lifeless. They’ve given up on relationships because they’ve been hurt one too many times. What else is there? They think about the bottle of pain pills in the medicine cabinet or the loaded gun in their parents’ room. “Who would care?” they ask themselves. They’re crying out for love, but little do they know, there is a Father that loves them unconditionally. They’ve heard about Jesus, but they don’t know His freedom or His love. If only someone would tell them. What if we could get over our pride and declare Jesus and all that He is; His love, His mercy, His freedom. We could reach this generation. We wouldn’t lose another soul to suicide. Our friends and classmates would be set free from the chains that bound them to sin. They would reach out for Jesus instead of the razor blade or the heroin needle. They would walk in the freedom that God has for them. If we would wholly surrender ourselves to Jesus and not worry about what others think of us, we could reach this lost generation! For God has not called us to be silent- He has called us to make disciples of all nations. Why don’t we start with our own?